It was a cool, breezy morning on Inks Lake.
Some ducks on Inks Lake, the reservoir lake just downstream from
Lake Buchanan.
The ducks didn't seem to be bothered by the cold.
The mallards weren't entirely excited about us.
The U.S. flag flying atop one of the towers at W5KFT.
The Stars and Stripes in the morning light.
The Star-Spangled Banner.
The U.S. flag, as seen from another direction.
Early morning sunshine graces the national flag.
A view of the U.S. flag through the trees.
Long may she wave!
The U.S. flag, as seen from another direction.
The Stars and Stripes.
High above the trees.
The U.S. flag, from a distance.
The view over the lawn to the lake.
Susan King K5DU.
Richard King K5NA.
Richard King K5NA, calling the CTDXCC meeting to order.
Robert Brandon K5PI.
Robert Brandon K5PI, making CW contacts in the California QSO Party.
Several DX Bash attendees sat down to use the big antennas and
make a few contacts in the California QSO Party.
George Fremin III K5TR. George brought chocolate chip cookies.
Dennis Mowers K5YA.
Jen Sims KD5JZV.
Marvin Bloomquist N5AW.
Ralph "Gator" Bowen N5RZ.
Ralph "Gator" Bowen N5RZ.
Gator Bowen N5RZ, in a rare photo with his shirt on.
Gator can hardly contain his excitement!
Tom Whiteside N5TW.
Phil Goetz N6ZZ.
George K5TR insopect some suspect hardline while several attendees
anxiously await the verdict.
The two tallest towers at W5KFT.
Four of the five towers at W5KFT.
The famous W5KFT towers.
The two tallest towers in the foreground, and one in the background.
All five towers at W5KFT.
The antenna farm at W5KFT.
John Brosnahan W0UN.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT.
Pat Rose W5OZI.
Ken Harker WM5R.
The view over Lake Buchanan.