Ken Harker WM5R
VHF Weak Signal

Image of transverter
A Down East Microwave 222MHz transverter I built and
a Realistic HTX-100 I modified for use as a 28MHz IF radio.

I enjoy working distant stations on the VHF+ Amateur Radio bands using Single Side Band (SSB) voice and CW (Morse code) modes. I am currently working on earning VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) status on two meters (144 MHz) for N5XU. This can be done by contacting other Amateur Radio stations in over 100 different "grid squares."

Most of my VHF activity has been with the University of Texas Amateur Radio Club, N5XU, especially during the big VHF contests. Using the N5XU callsign, I have made a contact using Earth-Moon-Earth propagation on the two meter band, during the 1997 ARRL International EME Contest. I have also made a two meter and seventy centimeter QSOs with stations in Florida, via troposhperic ducting, and I have made two meter QSOs with seven different states using meteor scatter propagation, both with SSB and HSCW modes.

50 MHz Totals


Six Meters

Image of 6m grid squares worked

Grids: CM87, CM95, CM98, DK79, DM03, DM04, DM12, DM13, DM14, DM15, DM16, DM24, DM26, DM33, DM41, DM42, DM43, DM51, DM56, DM59, DM64, DM65, DM69, DM79, DN30, DN31, DN71, DN94, EK09, EL09, EL17, EL19, EL29, EL79, EL87, EL88, EL95, EL96, EL97, EL98, EL99, EM00, EM10, EM11, EM38, EM48, EM50, EM54, EM57, EM59, EM61, EM63, EM64, EM68, EM69, EM70, EM71, EM72, EM73, EM74, EM75, EM76, EM79, EM81, EM82, EM83, EM84, EM85, EM86, EM89, EM90, EM92, EM93, EM95, EM96, EM97, EM98, EN04, EN10, EN11, EN13, EN16, EN31, EN33, EN34, EN40, EN41, EN44, EN50, EN51, EN52, EN55, EN60, EN61, EN62, EN63, EN70, EN72, EN73, EN76, EN80, EN81, EN82, EN90, FL16, FM03, FM04, FM05, FM06, FM07, FM08, FM09, FM14, FM16, FM17, FM28, FN00, FN01, FN02, FN10

Image of 6m states/provinces/countries worked

States: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Canadian Provinces: Ontario DXCC Countries: Bahamas, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America

Last Updated 26 June 2020