Next: LDE Characteristics
Up: Long Delayed Echoes
Previous: Introduction
- An echo of a radio signal, heard at a point in time 0.5-30 seconds
after one would ``normally'' expect to be able to hear an echo.
- LDEs have been reported on HF, always without apparent Doppler shift.
Some LDEs are reportedly heard as much as 30 seconds after transmission.
- LDEs have been reported on VHF terrestrial paths.
- On VHF/UHF EME, LDEs have been reportedly heard 1-2 seconds after
the expected 2.5 second round trip time for the EME path - thus,
3.5-4.5 seconds after transmission.
- LDEs are sometimes reported to be very loud.
Ken Harker WM5R
Last updated: 26 August 2002